Pros & Cons of Living in Chandler, Arizona

Pros & Cons of Living in Chandler, Arizona

Are you considering living in Chandler, Arizona? One of the fastest-growing suburbs of the Phoenix area, Chandler has countless amenities to offer; everything from affordable housing, to great schools, to delicious and diverse dining and entertainment options. It’s easy to see all the wonderful aspects of Chandler. But, in the spirit of being thorough and transparent, let’s look at some of the biggest pros and cons of living in Chandler Arizona.

Pro #1: Chandler AZ has Great National Rankings

When you’re looking to relocate, it can be hard to know what areas offer the most, because you don’t live there yet. Maybe you’ve visited, but even at that, you’re living like a tourist, not a resident.
National rankings are an excellent way to get a grasp on a place that is new to you, knowing the factors involved in the ranking system are unbiased and straight across the board. And happily, Chandler, AZ ranks well in many categories. Each ranking is specific, such as Chandler being rated number one in “Best Places to Become Wealthy” or number three in “Best Places to Buy a Family Home,” but you can look at the statistics and decide what sounds most important to you.
Are you a woman in the STEM industry? Chandler ranks number 8 in “Best Places for Women in Tech.” Also scoring high on the charts Chandler is the safest area to live, and the best place to find a job. Again, these are public resources such as blogs, websites, publications, and other credible sources. (As opposed to, say, your mother’s sister who happens to live in Chandler and really wants you to move there!)

Pro #2: Chandler Location

You know what they say, “Location, location, location!” One of the top ‘pros’ of living in Chandler is that it’s conveniently situated in a very accessible and central part of the Phoenix Metro Area. Regardless of where you live within Chandler, you’re just a short drive from any of the major highways running through Phoenix. And a reasonable commute into the city if you’re looking to work in Phoenix, but live on the outskirts. For those who travel often, the airport is easily accessible, and it’s very easy to hop onto any of the aforementioned highways if you travel around the west and mostly drive.

Learn More: Cost of Living in Phoenix, AZ

Pro #3: Affordable Luxury Housing in Chandler

It’s clear that the population of the Phoenix area has been growing exponentially over the past two decades or so. This means new neighborhoods have popped up all over the valley to accommodate the growing number of residents. Of course, people are coming for the weather, the jobs, and the affordable cost of living, but perhaps one of the biggest pros of the Chandler area specifically, is the affordability of what most Americans would consider luxury housing.
Among these neighborhoods are many master-planned neighborhoods, where luxury amenities such as pools, tennis courts, paved and lighted walking paths and more, are designed into the layout of the small community, adding an extra layer of comfort for its residents.
Best of all, homes nearly identical in style, home, and community amenities in the Scottsdale area, for instance, are usually at least two hundred thousand dollars more expensive. The same square footage in Scottsdale may cost you around $750,000, but only $450,000 in Chandler. Getting more for your buck is perhaps the biggest “draw” an area can have to potential home buyers. We all want to get as much as we can for those hard-earned dollars, right?

Pro #4: Schools

There are a few major school districts in the Chandler area;
  • Chandler Unified Schools District,
  • Mesa School District
  • and Gilbert School District.
Wherever you fall on the district grid, Chandler has wonderful public schools. Most of these schools rate very highly when it comes to graduation rates, extracurricular offerings, and attendance rates. But even if you find yourself living closest to one of the schools that aren’t the most highly rated of the bunch, there are so many schools to choose from. It’s fairly easy to find the perfect school for you and your family within a reasonable distance.
If you can’t decide which school might be the best fit for you, there are plenty of resources where parents can communicate with other parents, such as online chats and message boards. And of course schools are always open for prospective parents to tour and see what classroom sizes look like, or meet a few teachers.

Pro #5: Shopping & Dining Scene in Chandler

Entertainment is a huge part of quality of life. We all go to work, doctor’s appointments, school, or other daily obligations, but when it’s time to cut loose, we want something fun to do! Whether that’s going to a movie, or going out to eat at a fun restaurant, Chandler has a ton of great entertainment options close to home.
Much like the neighborhood styles, Chandler has done an outstanding job of offering extremely similar experiences to its populace as they would find in a more expensive part of Phoenix.
Chandler has aesthetically pleasing shopping centers, a great downtown with fun nightlife, and still plenty of smaller local establishments to support a non-generic, unique vibe. You’ll never run out of fun restaurants to try, or places to shop; and as Chandler grows, these areas only get nicer and nicer.
While the shopping centers and restaurants are all high-end in appearance, another great thing about this area is that you can truly find something fun to do on any budget. There’s something for everyone!
Learn More: Pros & Cons of Moving to Phoenix, Arizona

Con of Living in Chandler AZ #1: HOA fees

We talked earlier about the well-laid-out neighborhoods of Chandler, but you’ll find that most of these neighborhoods look so nice because they employ HOA regulations. A homeowners association lays out “ground rules” so to speak, for all residents.
An HOA outlines expectations for everything from mailbox locations to landscaping, to what color roofing homes can have! Some are more restrictive than others, but in general, they are in place to make sure everyone in the neighborhood is happy with the overall feel and upkeep of their surroundings. Because the HOA jurisdiction falls over things like sidewalks and other communal items, HOAs usually come with rather pricey fees, ensuring there are always funds to keep things tip-top.

Con #2: Popularity has led to Overcrowding

As the Arizona population grows daily, these oasis towns in the desert are becoming less and less “oasis-like” as they fill up with the rest of the country’s loose ends. Most residents of the Phoenix area are not born and raised Phoenicians. Like other big cities such as Los Angeles or New York City, many migrate to the area for one reason or another.
While residents of Chandler feel it's growing overcrowded, it’s important to remember this probably isn’t so much a Chandler-specific issue, as an Arizona as a whole issue. As people flock to Arizona from pricier states like the coastal states, these charming neighborhoods near Phoenix but not quite “in” Phoenix is the perfect place to set up a home base. Close to the city, with room for the kids and the dog and the two car garage, these suburbs with so much to offer are like a siren song to big city-weary transplants. 
That being said, unless you have lived in Chandler for a decade or more, you probably won’t feel all too crowded, because you’ll be one of these transplants coming from elsewhere, such as four million and counting in population Los Angeles, where the “crowding” of Chandler will feel about as crowded as the population of Mars!

Learn More: Living in Arizona vs California


Con #3: Longer Commute Times

We mentioned earlier that most major highways are accessible from Chandler, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t crowded. As the population of Chandler grows, this means more cars on the road. This leads to increased commute times for those who work outside the city, or even those who work in town but still have to get home at some point!
Travel times at peak hours of the day such as morning or evening rush hour are increasing yearly. While you might not have to cover a large distance from a mileage perspective, you could still find yourself spending more time in the car than you had originally anticipated when moving to Chandler.
Much like the crowding issue, however, if you are coming from a place with unbearable traffic, this won’t seem too bad. But for those who have been living in Chandler for years, it’s continuing to get worse and worse.  It’s also worth noting that all pros come with a few cons, and many feel the benefits of everything Chandler has to offer far outweigh the little bit of extra time you’ll spend in the car to get to these wonderful amenities.

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